High School

The Teacher Difference

IA teachers are committed to helping each student continue to push their limits and reach their highest potential. Our teachers make use of our longer class periods to give students individual attention during class time and offer extra tutoring outside of class. The relationships between teachers and students allow for students to feel comfortable approaching teachers to ask for the help they need.  In the classroom, students participate in Socratic seminars, discussions, and debates on issues that have a direct impact on the students. Students are also given the opportunity to conduct investigations and draw conclusions from the data they collect. At Inspiration Academy we believe that the most important person in a student’s education is the student themselves. 

The Academic Difference

   Inspiration Academy’s high school faculty provide an environment where students uncover their education, instead of being asked to listen to a lecture and memorize facts. Students obtain a deeper understanding of the content because they are asked to develop their own thoughts from experiences they have in and out of the classroom. Our teachers approach each subject uniquely to best develop a student’s understanding, retention and critical thinking. 

Core Classes

High School students have the ability to deepen their understanding through a proven curriculum in: 

  • Mathematics 
  • Language Arts 
  • Social Studies 
  • Science 
  • Foreign Language 

Honors Program

In addition to our standard college prep curriculum, Inspiration Academy offers honors coursework through high school core classes and select middle school classes. Our unique honors program is more than just an opportunity for students to boost their weighted GPA. Students participating in the honors program work closely with their teachers and are expected to complete additional course requirements along with demonstrating leadership in the classroom. These expectations must be fulfilled to earn honors credit for a course as each student, parent, teacher, and counselor sign a contract agreeing to the terms of participation in the honors program.

An honors student at Inspiration Academy is: 

  • A thought leader
  • Demonstrates a high level of critical thinking skills
  • Completes and turns all work in on time
  • Willing to academically encourage and mentor their fellow classmates

Students are eligible for high school honors placement each semester if they meet these requirements: 

  • Student is recommended for honors placement by a faculty member and college counselor
  • Student has maintained a minimum 0 GPA to continue for placement second semester
  • Parents and students read, understand and sign the honors contract

Students will earn honors credit if they meet the following requirements: 

  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the honors class
  • Successfully complete one honors project per semester
  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic and turn assignments in on time
  • Show academic integrity
  • Be a positive role model in the classroom

Elective Classes

High School students will have the opportunity to explore their passions and curiosities through:

  • STEAM programs
  • Technology Skills
  • Visual & Performing Arts
  • Communications & Yearbook
  • Entrepreneurship and Career Mentoring
  • College Counseling

Dual Enrollment

Inspiration Academy is pleased to offer dual enrollment coursework for qualified students. We work with several institutions to offer dual enrollment coursework in which students can simultaneously earn both high school and college/vocational credit. Students must meet school-specific criteria and be recommended by faculty and administration to qualify to take dual enrollment level classes.

Inspiration Academy currently holds dual enrollment articulation agreements with the following institutions:

  • Manatee Technical College
  • Southeastern University
  • State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota

Beginning in their junior year, qualified students have the option to participate in dual enrollment. Students and parents may initiate this process with the IA College Counselor. Students must have a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA and be recommended by two teachers and school administration to participate in the program. Students may take one dual enrollment class per semester in their junior year and as many as they would like in their senior year if they have parent permission, administration approval and complete all additional classes required for graduation that are not offered at the collegiate level.