Join The Community
Why Invest?
“For the body is not just one member, but many.”
1 Corinthians 12:14
In order for a community to thrive, everyone needs to pitch in. Inspiration Academy will thrive because of you. If God has blessed you with gifts to share or time to spare, please consider and pray about investing in the IA Community. Contact Ciaran Dwyer to discuss how you can join the community.

Inspiration Academy has many opportunities for parents to have a hands-on part in their child’s educational and athletic experience. This opportunities vary from teacher-support or after-school clubs, to helping with event planning or at-home projects. A great place to start is our Parent’s Pride or Booster organizations. You can also reach out to Ciaran Dwyer for additional opportunities or suggestions. Be sure to join our Parent’s-Pride Facebook Page for links to donation or volunteer requests via Sign-up Genius.
Inspiration Academy’s student base reflects our local community and our heart is to serve all families no matter what their financial circumstances may be. As with most private schools, Inspiration Academy relies on fundraising to bridge that gap as tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating our students. Inspiration Academy is a non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. The most common ways to give are as follows:
- Cash Gifts – Gifts of cash are the most common form of support to the school. Checks should be made payable to “Inspiration Academy” and can be given or mailed :
Inspiration Academy
C/O Ciaran Dwyer
7900 40th Ave W
Bradenton, FL 34209
- Pledges – You can also pledge gifts on an annual or multi-year basis to the Scholarship Fund or Capital Fund. We can accommodate your preferred schedule for pledge reminders. Contact Ciaran Dwyer.
- Online Donation – Click on the donation button to make a secure donation through PayPal’s Giving Fund program utilizing a credit card or your PayPal account.