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Policy Updates & Notices

Security Policy

 If you will be visiting school for chapel services or to attend another event during school hours, please present your driver’s licence at the  front desk upon your first visit to school.  A staff member will quickly enter you into the system for visitor passes. Guests at IA must be wearing a visitor pass at all times. In addition, if you will be chaperoning or volunteering at school please get the appropriate forms from the front desk to bring to the Manatee County Sheriff’s office for fingerprinting. Thank you for keeping our school safe!  

Parking Notice

One of IA’s Senior Privileges is reserved parking.  Please respect this privilege by only parking in the visitor spaces to the south of the main entrance or any of the spaces on the east side of the building.  To enter the building from the east doors, simply ring the doorbell on the wall next to the doors to have the door locks released by the front desk.  A video monitor is activated by the doorbell for security purposes.  Additional parking can also be found by the tennis courts.  Thank you for supporting our seniors! 

Cell Phone Policy

We need your help to have the students follow the new cell phone policy this year.  Please don’t text your student during the school day. It is very important for the teachers and the students to be free from distractions during the school day.  Thank you in advance for your help! 

  • If you need to speak with them, we are happy to call them out of class to use the phone at the front desk. 
  • If they are not feeling well, they will be sent to the front desk and we will check on them and call you for further instructions 

Cell Phone Policy for Middle & High School 

  • Cell phones are not permitted to be used during the school day. 
  • Cell phones must be kept in the student’s backpack and turned off all day. 

Consequences of cell phone violation: 

  • Student must surrender the cell phone to the front office. 
  • First offense: Student will be asked to turn the phone off and put it in their backpack. 
  • Second offense:  Cell phone will be taken to front desk for retrieval at the end of the school day. 
  • Third offense:  Cell phone will be taken to front desk and Parent must pick up cell phone and a conference will be scheduled.  
  • Final Offense: Student will have in school suspension for 2 days.